
chese cake

My part-time job mate gave me this cake.
It was so delicious!! appetizing!
today is job mate's boy friend's birthday, so she made it.
Oh, really girl wwWWW
I want to make cake for my boy!



This is my home's sailing.
When i came home, I looked up sailing.
so, I couldn't say anything, because my home's sailing was nothing!!
I could see just woods.
I asked my mom,and she said 'Last week, teh pipe was lwaking water, so we have to change sailing paper.'
Ohhh, i know.
But I was really suprised.



I took lesson for theacher '教育演習'.
Today is my presentation day, so I waked up 6:30.
I usually wake up 7:30, so I really sleepy today.
Presantation time is 15min per person, I prefere about this time.
My topic is the low birthrate.
When i finished to talk about my presen, stopwatch time show me that I have to do more 8min.
I really upset, so i talk about everything for the low birthrate.
I felt very long time then.
After the class, I know i did presentation about 20min.
Teacher's stop watch is little bit strange.
oh my gash.

Then, Teacher recommend this site'新s あらたにす'
I thought this site is very useful and helpful.
If you can't read newspaper everyday, You have to go this site.
You can see many news from 3news psper's view.
I want to use this many time.