

Yesturday, I sold t-shirts for Chinese girl.
At fast, I spoke Japanese to her, but she said nothing.
So, I little bit feel bad.
But next, she said English.
I very suprised because she's looks like Japanese.
So, I spoke English.
Recently, I spoke English in my work.
She is Chinese(Actually, Taiwanese), so I littke bit spoke Chinese too.
My Chinese make her laughed. I don't know why, mabe my pronunciation is not so good.
When I go to Australia, my friend chinese boy laughed at my chinese.
But I like Chinese.

1 件のコメント:

m_yam さんのコメント...

Where do you work? It seems many foreigners (Chinese?) come to your shop. Sounds international!

I like Chinese too! All I can do is repeating what someone says, though :-D The tones are quite hard for me to master.