
Rice cake

Ms.Yamauchi,I'm not belong to 青い鳥文庫ファンクラブ anymore because this club is for children.
So, I couldn't belong.haha
Oh, thankyou your recomenned, I will try her book!!

This photo is Englishbook and My friend Nanami.
I have already read this book's first one, so I borrow 2nd.
But maybe this story is unfinished,,,,so I am waiting 3rd.
Nanami and I decided to read English book in month.
We will read 12 books in year!

This is my friend Maiko and Nanami's souvenir rice cake.
Nanami went to Hakata, so She gave us this チョコいちご rice cake.
It was so good!
Thankyou nanami!
Maiko and Miku like this cake too.

2 件のコメント:

みく さんのコメント...



m_yam さんのコメント...

One book a month? Well, that's not much, but it's far better than nothing! And you may want to try a thick book!