

Do you know this book(seriese)?
I like this book very much.
When I was elementary school student, I read '青い鳥文庫aoitoribunko' book.
(Among ourselves, i was belong 青い鳥文庫ファンクラブ.haha)

Now,I took Japanese theses class(日本語論文表現法).
Well, I have to write book review about library's book.
So, I cosed this book.
If you don't know, i recomend.It is because this book is easy to read.

1 件のコメント:

m_yam さんのコメント...

Hi Eiko, Long time no see!! I'm glad to see you keep writing in English :)

I don't know about 青い鳥文庫ファン倶楽部. You belonged to it? You mean you're not a member anymore?

Well I recommend this book. Have you read Ishida Ira?